Meet the board!

Mandy Lammers

Hello everyone!

I’m Mandy Lammers, and I’m excited to serve as this year’s Chair of Olympus. I’m currently in my fourth year as a biology student. Last year, I had the opportunity to work as the treasurer for the BBB career event.

When I’m not busy in meetings or spending time in the canteen, I enjoy going for runs or having movie nights with friends.

As Chair, my responsibilities include leading board meetings, general meetings, and monthly meetings with the other associations. I also focus on scheduling meetings and talks, while keeping an overall eye on the work and well-being of my fellow board members.

Feel free to reach out to me at, or stop by the board rooms if you have any questions!

Milan van de Coolwijk

Hello, my name is Milan van de Coolwijk, and I am a fourth-year science student. I grew up in Oss, the most charming city in Noord-Brabant, so I know my way around in Arnhem. You may see me making minutes or type an email while using the BCC option of course. In my spare time I like to play video games, go for a swim or do another board year.

I am very excited to be a part of Olympus and cannot wait for all the grammar mistake people will find in my minutes (live love overleaf). You will likely find me hanging out in the board rooms or in Zuid, probably drinking or playing a potje sloenker. If you ever want to chat or have any questions, feel free to stop by or send me an email at:

Tjibbe Gottmer

Hello everyone! I am Tjibbe Gottmer, 21 years old and the treasurer of Olympus. I am a fifth year physics student and am currently in my first year in the physics master.

As a treasurer I handle all the money related tasks within Olympus, such as paying the bills and bookkeeping. I also help the other board members out wherever needed. When not fulfilling my board duties or busy studying you will probably find me hanging out with friends or making music as I am involved in multiple orchestras throughout the Netherlands (mostly in nijmegen though) as a percussion player.

If you have any questions about something related to Olympus, feel free to take me aside in the board rooms or just when you see me or mail to

Krista Estrada

Hi everyone! My name is Krista Estrada Derks and I am this year’s Chief of Faculty Affairs of Olympus. This means I am responsible for the student canteens and board rooms, as well as the BHV courses and other small things regarding the faculty. I am currently in the fourth year of my bachelor’s degree and I am interested in the microbiology side of it all. I come from Guatemala and I’m half Dutch. Last year I was on the board of BeeVee where I served as treasurer. I am still active there in the picture and film committee, so you can find me running around with a camera at activities. I also like movies so I’m in the Movienightcie and I like cheap beer so I’m in the Voorraadcie.
If you have any questions or need anything, you can find me in the North Canteen or contact me at

Camilla Pieper

Hihi! My name is Camilla Pieper, I am 23 years old and the Chief of Activities of Olympus. I am a fifth year student who is finishing her Bachelors’ in Mathematics. I have been very active in DESDA, the study association for mathematics, for the last few years. I have helped organise several activities and last year I even did a boardyear (as a chair) at DESDA.

Organising the activities of Olympus, as the Chief of Activities, is my main concern. I am responsible for making sure all of the different activities Olympus hosts go smoothly. This includes smaller activities, like the Olympus Biergarten or LAN-night, but also the bigger activities such as BeestFeest and Betagala.

Mart Koster

Hello, my name is Mart and I’m the general board member this year, so I’ll be concerned with all sales from Tartarus in the canteens.

This year I’m planning to finish the double bachelor Mathematics and Computing Science. You can also find me in the Grotius building quite often these days, for some courses from the law faculty. Every now and then I also do some committee work or a board year for Desda.

However, you can always come and distract me for Olympus or Tartarus related matters! I’m in the North Canteen a lot, and you can also reach me via or