Chairman: The chairman is responsible for leading the board meeting. He or she makes sure tasks are carried out correctly.
Secretary: The secretary writes minutes of the board meetings and general member meetings. He or she also keeps an eye on communication with external organisations.
General Treasurer: The general treasurer takes care of all finances. He or she also makes a budget and pays the bills.
Commissary Facultairy Affairs: The commissioner facultairy affairs maintains contact with the faculty. He or she joins several meetings with the faculty, the student associations, and other organisations. He or she also is the primary point of contact for problems in or around the canteens.
Commissary Activities: The commissary activities is responsible for organising several events throughout the year. These include the BeestFeest and the Movie night.
General Board Member: The general board member assists the rest of the board of Olympus to the best of their ability. They also take up smaller tasks that do not belong to a specific function within the board.